In Germany, passing on things in good condition to other hands is a huge tradition. We do this not only through online portals, but also in person - through flea markets. The most popular are the weekend markets "Flomarkt" and the online platform Ebay.Kleinanzeigen It is at a flea market for 1-2 euros you can buy a marvelous porcelain teapot, a tape recorder, a belt and something else. So many designers sell their special handmade items at flea markets. We recommend the market at Mauerpark and the market at Rathaus Schöneberg. Both are special in a Berlin way, the first one is more professional. The second one is mostly frequented by ordinary Berliners. Also pay attention to the signs on schools and buildings in the neighbourhood - several times a year there are local markets: especially dedicated to children. Here you can buy seasonal clothes in good condition, games, rollerblades, books, and more. Furniture and things that are not so easy to find at the market can be found online at - especially in the Zu verschenken (give as a gift) section. If you see the letters VB in the price - then you can bargain. The final price is listed as "Festpreis".

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